Day Centre
Day Centre provides various services and programs to help at-risk youth that are adapted to their needs, goals and personal pace.
The Day Centre offers:
• Full and balanced meals, from Monday to Friday, starting at 12 p.m.
• Clothing, personal hygiene products, blankets, towels and non-perishable food at our depot of donated material goods.
• Medical and psychological healthcare with our nurse and psychologists.
• Reintegration and job training programs to help find and secure employment.
• Our on-site school, the Emmett Johns School, offers youth the chance to complete their secondary education in a supportive and adapted environment. We also offer a scholarship fund to support youth who wish to continue their education.
• Legal advice to inform young people of their rights and help them with legal resolutions and inquiries.
• Diverse workshops: Music and art programs, yoga classes, sporting activities, dog training, etc.

Day Centre address and contact information
1662 Ontario St. East
Montreal, Quebec H2L 1S7
Telephone: 514 526-7677
Toll-free: 1 888 520-7677
The Day Centre is open five days a week, Monday and Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To access services, please visit the Day Centre directly or contact us for more information.

Your donations are essential for us to continue our mission.