Father Emmett Johns « Pops »
Reaching out to homeless youth
Emmett Johns was born on April 3,1928 to Irish parents and grew up in Saint Agnes Parish on the Plateau Mont-Royal. After graduating from high school, as the war was ending in 1945, he found that his original dream of becoming an air force pilot was no longer an option, so he followed his other dream and entered the seminary. At the age of 60 and after nearly 40 years as a parish priest, Pops was inspired to reach out to the city’s at-risk youth. “It just kind of came to me,″ Pops says. “I should be with the kids, I should help them.″
“Pops” founds Le Bon Dieu dans la rue
So in 1988 Pops founded Le Bon Dieu dans la rue. He borrowed $10,000 from the Caisse Pop, bought a used motorhome and took to the streets, working long, sometimes lonely shifts from 9 pm to 3 or 4 am. “I was kind of scared sometimes, driving that big van around downtown late at night.″ But Pops and the Van very quickly became fixtures of Montreal’s nightscape, known to street kids as a safe place to get a bite to eat and warm up. In 1989 Bishop Crowley named Pops “official chaplain of the homeless.”
The continuation of an essential work
Dans la rue has grown since its creation in 1988, with the opening of the Bunker overnight shelter and the Chez Pops day centre. Today the organization has a team of 70 employees and over 150 volunteers. Pops passed away peacefully on January 13th, 2018 at 89 years old. Dans la rue’s mission remains strongly rooted in Pops’ philosophy of dedication, empathy, and respect. His enduring legacy is one of acceptance without judgement and this legacy will continue to inspire and to guide the staff and volunteers at Dans la rue as they carry on his important work.
Highlights and honours
- Commander – Ordre de Montréal
- Honorary Member – Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec
- Recipient : Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
- Montrealer closest to sainthood – Montreal Mirror ”Best of Montreal readers’ poll”
- Recipient : Contribution to Humanity Award – Montreal Intercultural Dialogue institute
- Special concert in his honor by the MSO
- Recipient : Prix de la tolérance Paul Gérin-Lajoie – Fondation de la tolérance Paul Gérin-Lajoie
- Montrealer closest to sainthood – Montreal Mirror ”Best of Montreal readers’ poll”
- Montrealer closest to sainthood – Montreal Mirror ”Best of Montreal readers’ poll”
- Most trusted public personality – Magazine Sélection Reader’s Digest
- Biography published “Appelez-moi Pops”
- Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award
- Documentary film on Pop’s life called “Notre Père” launched
- Certificate Honorary Member – Canadian Pediatric Society
- Honorary Doctorate Honoris Causea – Saint Paul University
- Recipient – Reader’s Digest Hero of the Year award
- Carrier of the Olympic Flame
- Honorary Doctorate Honoris Causea – McGill University
- Recipient – Medal of the University of Montreal
- Grand Officer – National Order of Quebec
- Honorary certificate – HEC Montreal / Commerce Magazine
- Prix de la Santé et du Bien-être social – Ordre des psychologues du Québec
- Honorary Doctorate Degree – Université du Québec à Montréal
- Golden Jubilee Medal – Canadian Governers General
- Simon McDonaugh Humanitarian Award – United Irish Societies of Montreal
- Bishop Crowley Award – English Catholic Council
- Great Montrealer – The Academy of Great Montrealers
- The Rights and Freedoms Prize – Commission des Droits de la personne et des droits à la jeunesse
- Communications & Leadership Award – Toastmasters International
- Award of excellence – Montreal Urban Police
- Annual Desjardins Prize
- Member to the Order of Canada
- Humanitarian Award – The Association of Quebec Psychiatrists
- Anne Greenup Citizenship Award
- Honorary Doctorate Degree – Concordia University
- 12th Honor Roll of Excellence – Maclean’s magazine

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