Autonomy and independence for homeless youth
Logement Jeunesse Montréal, in partnership with Ressources Jeunesse de Saint-Laurent, Ricochet/Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île and Foyer de jeunes travailleurs et travailleuses de Montréal, and JALON, an initiative developed and run by Dans la rue, are two programs for 18-to-30-yearolds experiencing homelessness who would like to find a place and live on their own but need support to do so.
For better social integration and a stable life
Most have been through the youth protection system and no longer have any contact with their families. Program participants will be entitled to a rent subsidy and weekly check-ins from a housing support counsellor. They will also be provided with a basic starter kit and financial assistance in furnishing their apartment and stocking up on grocery staples.
Through these programs, youth will receive a helping hand in looking for an apartment, communicating with landlords, resolving any conflicts that may arise and developing household budgeting and other core skills.

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