Dans la rue was invited to take part in a news report on the role of mental health in youth homelessness. Evelyne Côté, Isabelle Brisson, Fée Gagné-Rochefort and Clément RM shared their insights and spoke to the specific challenges faced by young people. Dans la rue’s team of counsellors considers poor mental health to be a crucial factor in homelessness, both as a cause and as a consequence of housing instability.
Reducing the recurrence of mental health crises
Presented by Alexis Gacon, the segment shines a light on the Accompagnement bref en communauté (ABC) program, a new model for providing psychosocial care to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Under this program, which is already up and running at CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-Montréal, individuals receive six weeks of intensive care following hospitalization.
By providing essential resources in a safe environment, the ABC program aims to help young people stabilize their mental health and avoid future hospitalization. Such support is essential for homeless youth, who are particularly susceptible to mental health challenges.
Désengorger les urgences psychiatriques : le pari des équipes ABC au Québec. 2024. Radio broadcast. Alexis Gascon (producer). Canada. Broadcast August 11, 2024, in “Tout terrain.” Hosted by Janic Tremblay. Ohdio — Radio-Canada (Montreal).

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