Coalition Jeunes+ Forum, youth is part of the solution
Consultations give youth a voice so they can be part of the solution. Their lived experience is a huge plus in nipping youth homelessness in the bud. Armed with clearer insight into their needs, we can adapt our services and programs at Dans la rue and be a driving force in preventing youth from becoming entrenched in street life.
An initiative sponsored by Dans la rue
The Coalition Jeunes+ Forum, an initiative sponsored by Dans la rue, took place November 18 and 19, 2021, with more than 50 participants from across Quebec, ranging in age from 18 to 30. They participated in a series of workshops and presented their ideas to the 12 elected officials who were also in attendance.
The Forum wrapped up with the drafting of a joint declaration for the prevention of youth homelessness by participants and members of Coalition Jeunes. On December 8, 2021, Manon Massé (QS) made a statement to the Quebec National Assembly supporting the declaration, and Martin Ouellet (PQ) tabled a motion to fight youth homelessness, seconded by Lionel Carmant (CAQ). It was adopted unanimously by the legislature.
Youth recommendations

Among the recommendations that emerged from these consultations, youth stated they want to see:
- More education on their rights and legal support services.
- Early access to mental health care.
- More subsidized housing and additional help for families.
The declaration is available online, on the Coalition Jeunes+ Facebook page, for members of the public to sign. It is posted alongside a video created by youth entitled Legault, faut se donner le go!