35 years of reaching out to youth

“Our youth haven’t been able to count on much in their lives, but they do know that Dans la rue is here for them. Our constant presence is something they can rely on.”


– Father Emmett Johns

For the past 35 years, Dans la rue has upheld the mission of founder Father Emmett “Pops” Johns to be there for homeless youth and ensure a constant presence in their lives. We often hear words of praise and gratitude from those whose hearts he touched. He took it upon himself to welcome them with open arms and listen to what they had to say, starting with the Van and then through the various services that emerged over the years. And it is by staying attuned to the youth who use Dans la rue’s services that the organization has been able to evolve to meet their changing needs.

A panoply of services for homeless youth

Dans la rue has been the calm in the storm for many homeless youth whose paths are strewn with challenges and setbacks. It was 1988 when Pops first started handing out hot dogs to young people living on the street and giving them a place where they could relax and feel safe. The Van is still out there making its nightly rounds on the streets of downtown Montreal, but Dans la rue also offers other services, too, like activities at the Day Centre and overnight stays at the Bunker emergency shelter — all of which are run by a team dedicated to keeping Pops’ dream alive.

“Together, our donors, volunteers and staff have helped youth accomplish some incredible things, guiding them from a place of despair to one of self-fulfilment. It’s a legacy we can be proud of and one that is vital to the human experience.”


– Pops


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Have a meaningful volunteer experience helping youth.


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